About the Organization

Work by / par: Jamie Brown

New Brunswick craft creates a spark that awakens the imagination in daily life.

Regular Craft NB activities include sales and festivals, tradeshows, exhibitions and publications, awards, lectures, residency programs, jurying and standards and workshops. Craft NB seeks to be present in communities throughout the province and partners with various cultural and community organisations such as the Craft Alliance, the Canadian Craft Federation, the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design, ArtsLink, Arts NB, the NB Craft Foundation Inc and the Province of New Brunswick’s Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture.

Craft NB is the oldest provincial crafts council in the country.

Its inception began in the 1950’s, and it has provided service to its members for over fifty years. In 1964, the Council was known as the Handicrafts Association and upon incorporation in 1980 officially became the New Brunswick Crafts Council Inc. In 2016 we changed our name to Craft NB / Métiers d’art NB. Then, the organisation was located on Victoria Street in the Rabbit Town area of Fredericton, NB.

When hit with unpresecedented times due to COVID-19 outbreak, 2020 saw big changes that rippled through the whole country and beyond on how arts organization must pivot and change directions to better sever our members and the community. Nimble on our feet, Craft NB staff took to working remotely and working hard and diligently to help members navigate the new world post-COVID-19.

Craft NB continues to seek out new ways to support its members and promote the value of fine craft to local, national and global markets.

Craft NB is committed to working collaboratively with provincial and national organizations.