Become a Member
Work by / par: Maja Padrov
Want to submit your work to be juried in?
Become a Juried Member of Craft NB!
Our next jurying session will be happening in the spring and fall of 2024.
The drop-off deadline for this session will be June 10th to 14th, 8:30 am – noon. Please feel free to contact Kate at with any questions you may have, or to arrange for drop-off! Please note that our in-office hours may change from week-to-week so setting up a time for drop-off is necessary.
For more information about what is required for your work to be juried, please see Jury Review & Standards!

Work by / par: RB Designs
Become a part of a local community of professional craftspeople and craft enthusiasts.
Multiple membership levels available
All memberships renew in January of each year.
You will become a part of a lively community of professional craftspeople and craft enthusiasts and have the opportunity to participate and engage in the events, exhibitions, workshops and information sources.
By joining Craft NB you can take advantage of many membership benefits including discounts and passes, a health insurance plan designed specifically for artists, advice on funding opportunities, input on future programs and workshops, and access to various provincial, national and international opportunities.

Work by / par: Izabell Fagan
Are you an individual who works professionally, studies in, or supports the Martime craft community? These membership levels might appeal to you!
General Member
Perfect for the craft appreciator and novice craftsperson- Becoming a General Member is a great way to stay connected with Craft NB and our thriving craft community in New Brunswick. Ideal for craft supporters, and novice craftspeople. No jurying required!
Juried Member
Become a recognized professional New Brunswick Craftsperson- Designed for professional craftspeople who have passed jurying with Craft NB or another provincial Crafts Council and who wish to participate in our marketing initiatives, festivals, exhibitions, residencies, and more!
Student Member
Take advantage of various craft opportunities as a student!- Students enrolled in any Fine Arts Degree or Diploma can become a member of Craft NB! Be in the know of what’s going on in the craft world, and see how you can benefit from the Craft NB membership program!
General Member
- Monthly E-Newsletter
- Free admission for you + one guest at CNB festivals
- Invitations to exhibition openings, artist talks and other special events
- Discounts on: workshops, fundraisers, conferences and other activities
- Group rates, including access to a health insurance plan
- One vote at the AGM
- Opportunity to stand for nomination to the Board of Directors
- Opportunity to participate on committees
- Volunteer opportunities
- Ability to apply for Craft East Buyers’ Expo
- Free access to Craft NB staff for one-on-one advice and feedback sessions
- Connection to grants, National and International opportnities
Juried Member
- All benefits of a General Member!
- A Sellers profile on our Online Shop
- Invitation to participate in fine craft festivals, exhibitions and competitions
- Extended web site profile, where you can upload current work, an artist bio and connect and drive traffic to your existing website, social media profiles, online store, etc.
- Referrals to associations, gallery owners and show managers, national craft publications, individual and corporate customers, international collectors and wholesale and retail buyers
- Subscription to Studio Magazine (published twice a year and sent to your door)
- A yearly membership package that includes promotional materials, a membership card, signage indicating that you are a juried CNB member, and CNB swag
- Public recognition that you belong to a professional organization that recognizes a high standard in fine craft
- Ability to apply for Craft East Buyers’ Expo
- Ability to apply for Beneath the Surface Residency
- Opportunities to be included in promotions of artists in NB
Student Member
- Ability to apply for Craft East Buyers’ Expo
- Ability to apply for Beneath the Surface Residency
- Eligible for jurying once a year for free
- Free access to Craft NB staff for one-on-one advice and feedback sessions
- Monthly E-Newsletter
- Free admission for you + one guest at CNB festivals
- Invitations to exhibition openings, artist talks and other special events
- Discounts on: workshops, fundraisers, conferences and other activities
- Group rates, including access to a health insurance plan
- Opportunity to stand for nomination to the Board of Directors
- Opportunity to participate on committees
- Volunteer opportunities
- Opportunities to be included in promotions of up-and-coming artists in NB
- Connection to grants, National and International opportunities
- Various opportunities for visibility at our festivals and more
Introducing the Craft Champion Membership
This new membership tier is intended to benefit Canadian galleries, retail locations, and arts organizations which support our juried members, by promoting them as Craft Champions and creating meaningful connections within the Canadian craft sector.
Member-Owned Gallery
- Retail locations which are owned and operated by one of our current Juried Members that carries a majority of their own work. Juried Members will pay an additional $25+tax on top of their juried membership annual fees.
Private Gallery
- Retail location owned and operated by a non-juried member, of which at least 20% of inventory is work by Juried Members. Private galleries pay $75+tax annually.
Public Gallery
- A public gallery that exhibits professionally curated exhibitions, pays artist fees, and regularly shows work from juried Craft Council members from across Canada. Private galleries pay $75+tax annually.
Arts Organization
Subtitle goes Here- Arts Organizations that support juried Craft Council members across Canada by creating beneficial programming and opportunities. Arts Organizations pay $50+tax annually.
Benefits for these membership tiers include:
- Inclusion on Craft NB’s Interactive Digital Map
- A membership package containing various promotional signage
- Promoted events on our Events calendar and map. (Events must involve at least one juried member to be promoted)
- Free business card size ad in the Christmas Festival buyers guide (with option to upgrade)
- Opportunity to include promotional material in our yearly membership package mailout
- Promotion of your business throughout the year on our social media channels (+10,000 followers) – subject to availability.
- Calls for artists/exhibitions circulated to membership
- Free festivals entrance with membership card